Gillian on pilgrimage in 2010

Gillian was born and brought up in Narberth, South Wales. After becoming a Bahá’í she has spent most of her life being a pioneer in the Republic of Ireland. Gillian declared her faith in 1964.

It is my wish to dedicate this account of my declaration to Patrick Green, who made a special effort to nurture me. He sent me pioneering twice!

1964 was my transforming year. Being at t the end of my 1st level of nursing training in St. George’s Hospital, a Persian Nurse Ninoush Vahadat arrived on my ward: she was full of positive good will and humour. It was a time of soul searching for me as I was 19 years old and was able to see the unnecessary suffering of people. Why so much suffering? We need another Christ to enable the change to come about . . . Yet people would only crucify Him again, better to muddle through life with no guiding light.

Ninoush and I went out and about for a while, then one day I noticed the ‘Greatest Name’ hidden inside her wardrobe door. She came from a background of persecution in Iran. She also gave me a pamphlet – it showed the sun and its rays being the Messengers from God giving life and guidance. So much spiritual knowledge had been kept back from me.

The first fireside I attended was at Pat Green’s home and John Wade was the speaker. After one week I went to my room after talking to Ninoush. I prayed saying I wanted the truth! Is this Messenger from God? A warm welcoming spirit surrounded me. “Confirmation”. It seemed as though I was led to the banquet table of the most delicious spiritual food, but it was the atmosphere that impressed me the most. Remembering – my one big question was, would I be a loyal supporter? I asked God to hold onto me regardless of my rebellious nature.

My next visit to a fireside in Romford, I was on my own. I never set eyes on Ninoush again. After taking two buses in the middle of a large housing estate, at the doorstep waving were the two Pats (Patrick and Patricia Green)! I was home and dry.

Gillian Phillips

Co. Clare

Republic of Ireland

July 2011


 Note: Gillian passed away on 31 July 2017 in Ireland